The Top 10 FAQ when Staying in Crew Accommodation.
Fort Lauderdale is often known as the “Venice of America” because of its canals and beautiful waterways. The city has more than 158 miles of canals, making it a popular area for fishing, boating, and tourism. Fort Lauderdale is also home to the largest yachting and marine industry in the world, with world renowned boatyards, making it a great place to start a career in yachting.

Whether it be a change of profession or just the beginning of your yachting career, starting out in the maritime industry can be overwhelming. Your first step would be deciding on one of the top-tier maritime schools that offer the best classes.
· Maritime Professional Training (MPT)
· Professional Yacht Training (PYT)
· Blue Water Academy (BW)
Once you have completed your required classes, it’s time to look for a job, and there are no better job placement agencies than the ones in S.E Florida.
· Crew Finders
· Elite Crew International
· Luxury Yacht Group
Whether you are taking classes or looking for work, one thing is certain, you will need a place to stay.
There are several crew houses in SE Fort Lauderdale, but not all are created equally. It’s important to do your research, read Google reviews and look at Facebook groups to get an overall understanding of each establishment and what they offer. Keep in mind that not everyone will be happy with the same crew accommodation, but a general overview is what you should focus on.
Pay attention to location, pricing, and amenities as not all housing is created equally.
Crew houses are typically designed to accommodate maritime professionals, such as yacht captains, first mates, stewardesses, and deckhands. Whether you are “green” or a seasoned professional, a crew house setting is ideal for networking. Shared accommodation is your most cost-effective budget housing option. Once onboard, shared living is all that is available, so it’s a great idea to get used to the setup prior to starting your first job onboard a mega yacht.

For those unfamiliar with crew house living and what to expect, below are the most Frequently Asked Questions.
1. What is a crew house?
A crewhouse is a residential property with 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms. There are 1 or 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, dining room and outdoor area. The house is fully furnished, and all housemates share the amenities.
2. What is a Shared Bedroom?
You will have a roommate(s) AND housemates. Sharing a bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, laundry room and outdoor space.
3. What is a Private Room?
Bedroom to yourself. No roommates, BUT you have housemates. Sharing the living room, kitchen, laundry room and outdoor space
Budget Shared Crew Housing = 2-3 people in the room. Older houses. Smaller bedrooms. Fewer bathrooms per guests. Bunk Beds.
Budget Private Room= Single room to yourself. No private bathroom. Full size bed. No desk
Professional Shared Crew Housing = You will have 1 roommate. Larger rooms. More bathrooms per guests. Modern houses.
Professional Private Room = Single room to yourself with private bathroom
4. Are the crew houses and bedrooms co-ed? Yes, all bedrooms are co-ed/mixed gender.
5. Can I select my crew house? No. We assign the crew house on the day of your arrival.
6. Student Discount? Yes, but only valid during the course (1 week or longer). Once classes end, normal rates apply. Upload the invoice when booking with us.
7. Are pets allowed? No
8. Do you offer laundry facilities? YES! There is a washer and dryer at the crew house. *Some are coin operated*
9. How old are my roommates? The typical age range is 18-25. We highly suggest to more seasoned guests (30 years and older) that they book a small private apartment. Crew houses can be very loud and super busy.
10. How do I reserve/confirm my booking? Pay for the 1st week = confirmed booking. Smart Move Online Booking Form